Share Your Wildfire Videos?

Hello IGWers,

I was looking around at CNN today and saw their special section devoted to sharing your wildfires. Immediately I became quite concerned about this concept. Is my roommate going to start a wildfire just to get more hits on YouTube? I can’t be sure.

The idea of keeping everyone safe from actual wildfires seems noble enough, but this idea of turning everyone into a novice documentary filmmaker seems a bit odd.

Here is my rationale behind not sharing my wildfire videos.

1. Smokey the Bear has way more press than I will ever get. It seems a bit futile.

2. I’m worried about the viral arsonists. Trying to top the YouTube rolls these people burn everything in their pathes.

3. The wildlife. People are pretty much stumbling over the wildlife to become engulfed in the flames.

4. iReporting doesn’t pay well. Yes, it is great to be on television, but free documentaries don’t exactly kick out the royalties.

5. Michael Moore won’t respect you. Not a lot of interviews, controversy or drama in taping fires in the valley.

6. It is all fun until your house burns. So, lets say you do capture fabolous film, but then your house goes down. How good do you really feel?

7. The Bloodhound Gang already has the lyrics for the perfect fire song. You can’t really move over to song lyrics if your video doesn’t get cast.

8. No retakes. You can’t just tell the fire to backoff.

9. Firejumpers yes. Firefighters maybe. Rescue Me and Backdraft are pretty great movies and shows. You don’t see a lot of Firejumpers making movies. Not a lot of drama in fighting the woodlands.

10. Inability to switch between natural resources. Just because you are great at filming wildfires may or may not make you great at filming floods, earthquakes, tornadoes, etc.

Hopefully wildlife fires tame down a little. We don’t need John Doe filmmaker to die capturing 20 seconds of film for YouTube.


Conjunction Playoff

Hi IGWers,

I have been going back and perfecting my grammar. Kind of learning everything over again to improve my writing and expressions. While doing this, I thought it would be hilarious to have a conjunction playoff. How long could you last speaking in nothing but conjunctions. So… how long could you last?

To more hilarious conjunction battles!


Free Rice

Hello IGWers,

I just stumbled on Free Rice. I had heard about it for a couple of months, but I finally checked it out today. I think it is a great idea, however, donating rice is one thing; donating other types of food is another.

I decided to think of the worst foods to donate in mass.

1. Jello- This could be bad. Also, how exactly do you measure jello. I’d like to donate “some” jello? Wtf?

2. Burritos- Cheap burritos may be a college staple, but I don’t think they should be donated as regular food.

3. Hot dish- Maybe it is because I’m from Minnesota. I can handle hot dish, but elsewhere people would have no idea what is going on.

4. Pop or Soda- This is an endless mess. I would stick to donating water over carbonated drinks.

5. Bagels- I think that bagels are great, yet living on a bagel diet is tough. I tried to last for 7 days and didn’t last for one.

6. Can of corn- I think that corn in proportion is a great donation, while this is ok. A diet of can corn is ridiculous and should be stopped at all costs.

7. Jelly beans- Nope. This is not good. Jelly beans disguised as actual foods maybe, but I don’t think it would work too well.

To more hilarious food donations!
