Photoshopping Thanksgiving

Hello IGWers,

Today I bring you a sad state of affairs. I am of course reporting of the ill-conceived notion of photoshopping peoples heads on turkeys to appear humorous. Not only does photoshopping human faces on turkeys a stupid idea, it lacks very little humor. Makes you cringe more than laugh. I wish I knew why people didn’t think of original Thanksgiving jokes. This is the bottom of the barrel. It is in fact so bad that I would rather buy a bunch of Circuit City gift cards for Christmas than stomach any more of these lame jokes.

To more innovation gone wrong!




Can’t Hug Pandas

Hello IGWers,

Somedays people just surprise you. This happened to me the other day. I was reading an article from CNN. The article spoke of a 20 year old Chinese student. This student had the absolutely brilliant idea of jumping a 6.5 foot fence to hug the seemingly adorable panda. Bad choice, the student was bitten 3 times and taken to the hospital. To make things even funnier, this is not the first time this panda has lashed out at people. The same panda ripped apart a drunk man who did the same thing. I guess you have to grow up in the land of grizzly bears and black bears to realize that it is not the best idea to huge a FULL-GROWN bear. 

To more innovation gone wrong!


BTW, if you ever record a person hugging a panda in person, this must be recorded as the stupidity would live in infamy.

Black Bears Don’t Play Golf

Hello IGWers,

I found out yesterday that a black bear was spotted at the Senior U.S. Open. Well it is normal for smaller animals to casually graze the land. The bear running through the course put fear into some of the spectators on the course. This incident may be unique to a major championship, but definitely not to courses across the land.

It got me thinking about what other animals are going to interrupt or have interrupted major sporting events.

1. Birds at Wimbledon- These pigeons don’t lay off and sometimes are creeping around in the wrong places.

2. Birds at the World Series- Not been so funny if Don Larsen’s 1957 Perfect Game would have been over because of birds now would it.

What is possible.

1. Dogs at Poker tables- The famous picture will explain everything you want to know.

2. Deer at Lambeau- With thousands of hunters throughout Wisconsin Lambeau might be the only safe place for deer.

This also got me thinking. Does anyone account for a massive zoo escape before they throw one of the super events. This would sure make things pretty interesting if more over-sized mammals got into a large sporting venue.

To a peaceful co-existence between the Golden Bear and black bears!


Funny Monkey Ready to Steal a Boat

Hello IGWers,

Their was a really funny story reported for the AP. The monkey escaped using a garden hose over a moat in a Michigan Zoo. The spider monkey then climbed onto a water plant. The funniest part of the story is that the monkey was found a couple of days later in a speed boat.

I’m guessing the spider monkey was planning for a much bigger escape next time, maybe over an ocean next time. Otherwise, the spider monkey has an affinity for speed boats.

To more monkeys gone wrong!

