Can Kids Play here?

Hello IGWers,

I came across a site today called Dark Roasted Blend. The site has a couple of very funny pictures of playgrounds gone wrong. Visit the site for your self at

Here are a couple of the very funny pictures.




If the kids are not afraid yet, they will be. The funniest part of all of these pictures is that they are all real.

To more playgrounds gone wrong!


Smell Cell

Hello IGWers,

I found a terrible idea today. The idea is the smell cell. The phone lets you set the smell that comes from it to whatever you want. I think that a cell phone that smells stuff is not so good. Imagine if it released smells each time you were talking. I think that this could be a bit too much. Think about it. Americans alone spend billions of minutes on their cells a year. Do we really need millions of extra smells coming out of everywhere? What happens if you get into a crowded area? I can only imagine that it smells like a mess.

To the smell cell disappearing!


iTunes Packaged Deals

Hello IGWers,

This is more of a rant than a stupid invention. I have been trying like mad and failing to get multiple songs from iTunes. The purpose of iTunes is to be able to buy the songs you like no matter what. I’m not super concerned with the artists that don’t want to list on iTunes. That is their prerogative.

I am super mad about the fact that if you choose some rare songs it is quite likely that you have to buy an entire CD in order to get the songs. On a self selection music system, when should this ever be the case? iTunes stop busting my chops here. I want one song, not 14 and I’m not about to pay you another $10.00 just to get that one song.

Jobs…figure this out. Btw, you got lucky if you based your iTunes price to a gallon of gas. Now people can get 4 songs in comparison instead of 2 when you started. Nice work.

To iTunes becoming a self-healing body!


Make Me

Hello IGWers,

I found a new site today that partially qualifies for innovation gone wrong. The site is called The purpose of the site is to get two pictures together and see what the face of the baby will look like.

The site is super funny. I thought I’d try my hand at a couple of baby pairings.

1. What would the baby of the Incredible Hulk and Brooke Hogan look like?

That is The Incredible Hulk Hogan

2. What would the baby of the Cookie Monster and Ashley Olsen look like?

The Result is Cookie Olsen

3. The last pairing is a Grizzly Bear and Hilary Duff

Somehow the child is African American. I don’t understand this. Grizzly Duff must have happened another night.

To more funny baby pairings!

Please visit for all your hilarious spoofing needs.


New Absolut Vodka Commercial

Hello IGWers,

I was watching television today and I saw an ad that was very peculiar. The ad was for a new flavor of Absolut Vodka. It depicted a very large man jumping into a lap lane. Throughout the duration of the commercial and the lap the very large man turns into Michael Phelps.

Maybe they were pointing to the hallucinogenic quality of Absolut. Can you you really lose 300 pounds in one lap? Will drinking Absolut turn you into Michael Phelps? How many people actually drink and lap swim?

All important questions, but I am sorry that I don’t have the answers.

To more alcoholic lap swimming!


Wyoming and Colorado are one state?

Hello IGWers,

CNN posted an article that a stamp designer has designed a stamp for Colorado with a Wyoming mountain on it. This is hilarious. So in the great state of Colorado you couldn’t find a mountain that fit your taste? This is a major screw-up. This is like taking a picture of a different lake even though I’m from Minnesota and there are over 10,000 lakes.

Check out the full article at

Wow. Apparently stamp designing is a tough business.


While I’m on McDonald’s

Hello IGWers,

I think that it would be hilarious for the garbage bins at fast food restaurants to sing. I think that it would encourage people to throw their stuff away and it would just be entertaining. Think about this. You get “The King” to sing to you after you empty your tray. The funniest part of the whole experience would be the fact that if the door was held open it would be stuck on that note.

I think it would be hilarious, but I am open to contrarian viewpoints.

To possible singing garbage cans.


McRandom- Spooky McDonald’s Sandwiches

Hello IGWers,

I was just reading a blog where the title was the McRandom. I thought this is a very very funny idea. People get extremely weirded out if they don’t know what they are being served. I think if you were to order a McRandom you expect any of the following.

1. Bacon between two donuts. I think that this captures the general Krispy Creme audience as well as most of the male demographic. Probably better than the McGriddle if you ask me.

2. A McRandom could also be a breakfast burrito wrapped in a churro. Hot and sweet. It would drive audiences wild. Jk. But it is funny nonetheless.

3. A McRandom could also be a raw piece of fruit. Wouldn’t that freak the McDonald’s audience out. I’d like a number 15, the McRandom. And they pull up to find a tangerine. Holy crap would they be mad. I think the only requirement for going to McDonald’s is calories. You can’t ask for fries with a tangerine.

Just a couple of thoughts on what a McRandom could be. Open to many more suggestions.


Another Alarm

Hello IGWers,

I think the TV with a caution alarm is not a good idea. The problem with the invention is that you may hit the thresh-hold for alarms in a household. You have alarms in your clock, computer, security system and cell phone. I think one on your TV with a person talking and telling you to shut the TV off is something that people can’t really handle.

I usually leave my TV on for hours and hours. I don’t want a fake person to get on there and tell me to shut it off because they don’t know that I am watching.

Hopefully TV ideas improve.


Ten Emotion Filled Sports Movies

Hello IGWers,

Important news today. The best way to make a sports movie is simple. I mean extremely simple. Insert said sport and then insert an emotion.

Example Love and Basketball already out there.

To test my theory we will try 10 other sports and see what we get

1. Keen Sailing-A box office hit I imagine

2. Hate and Soccer- A documentary for sure here somewhere

3. The Abandoned Kite- A murder sports mystery perhaps?

4. Cut-Throat Four Square- A battle to the death?

5. Mystical Midget Car Racing- A stretch perhaps

6. Hassled High Jump- A very distracting movie I imagine

7. Guilty Prisoner Ball- An ex-con movie for sure

8. Hysterical Dressage- A horse fan’s dream movie if you ask me

9. Nutty Noodling- Guys reaching down and grabbing huge catfish. This one works.

10. Vivacious Yak Polo- A foreign film if you ask me. Big potential in China pending Ling LIng’s approval of course.

To more emotions and movies!


P.S. Any Hollywood writer talent scouts, I’m available for all your films naming needs.